Aug. 30, 2021
Aloha Everyone,

This is the latest updates for our league to continuing play.

  1. Make sure all players sign waivers before they can participate, indicating their vaccine record.
  2. All non-vaccinated players must wear a mask at all times and cannot sit in the dugouts.  If possible they should get tested 48 hours before game day and bring results of test to the field and show either Les, Dayton or Jeffrey proof of test.  (Note:  There are numerous free testing sites around the island.)  Testing of non-vaccinated players may be a requirement after September 13th.
  3. Spectators must wear mask at all times and keep at a social distance.
  4. Catchers, and plate umpires must wear a shield or mask.
  5. No tents in parking lot and all participants must leave the parking lot by 2:30pm.  Please try to leave area no later than 45 minutes after your games.

That’s it for now.

Have Fun Everyone and BE SAFE!

